Gail Ebersole and Dan McWilliams – Their Leadership Journeys

I never wanted to leave the Southeast or Virginia. I even had one person, a regional director, write me back, and said, ‘If you were a man, I would talk to you, but since you’re not, you need to talk to somebody else.’ So that’s how I got to Chicago and to the Midwest.” -Gail Ebersole

Show Notes

2:30 – Gail and Dan share their memories of the first time they had to manage a staff team

6:00 – Gail and Dan talk about what they are looking for when they hire someone

11:00 – How do you “nurture the individual soul?”

14:00 – What do you want to tell the next generation about leaving a legacy?

18:00 – Second Chances

20:00 – What the most difficult decision you have had to make?

24:00 – Gail discusses her first Board of Directors

29:00 – Dan shares what he would say to someone who came to him seeking advice about whether to accept a promotion

31:00 – Gail shares her counsel to someone asking her advice on whether to become the Chairman of the Board of a nonprofit

One big change is just the complexity of mental health struggles. It’s obvious there are more mental health struggles, but it’s also complicated because sometimes there’s a perceived fragility that people have about themselves.” -Dan McWilliams

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Next Gen Nonprofit Leadership with Tommy Thomas


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